This is the first of many i assume to this blog thing. New to the whole game i am but i could get used to it i guess. Have alot to say and not much time to say it most times. so further more...
I aM siTting iin Mii 0fFice aT w0rk iin tHe loVely wAlter rEed faCilitiEs, surFing tHe expLorer oF intErnet, aNd beIng fluStereD bY leaDersHip. ThE arMy (siGhhH) tHe arMy...SMH... wE haVe tHis thiNg caLLed NCO's diSturBinGly en0uGh thEy ruLe mii life. whEn, whEre, iF s0, iF n0t, wIll, wiLL n0t maYbe, maYbe n0t, heLL yeS, evEn heLL N0! EveRy dAy iS soMethIng nEw.... I caN scrAtch mii biG toE anD ii wiLL beE t0ld iM doIng iT wRong..l0lz truEly A diStracTion fr0m tAsk aT hAnd..yaH kn0W...wEll ii wAs tHinkinG..... trUely thiNkinG.... l0l ii KnoW whY d0 tHat.. HA bUt yEah ii was thinkiNg ii canNt eVen qUit. lIke iF ii wAs A qUiteR, ii caNt eVen ..aNy oTher nOrmAl peRson cAn WakE uP aNd deSide HmMmm ii dOnt wAnt tO wOrk aNy mOre, anD qUit. bUt naH ii meSsed uP bY siGniNg mii liFe aWay tWo uNcle sAm, DamN maN toOk mii lifE lOl ItS c0ol uNcle sAm wOnt AlwAys haVe mE oN pUniShmenT, ii wOnt AlwaYs bEe hiS pErsoNel (for the lack of a better work) "bitCh". BUt yaH know wHat, ii gEt mii alLowaNce EveRy fiRst N fiFteEnth s0 iM liVin OprAh riCh. :) lol buT ivE saId AbsolUtely tWo mUch AbouT noTHing, wHicH makEs iT A DaY In ThE liFe OF PFC TukEmZ.
WiThOut HesItAtiOn.
trufely yoUrs TukemZ :)
I aM siTting iin Mii 0fFice aT w0rk iin tHe loVely wAlter rEed faCilitiEs, surFing tHe expLorer oF intErnet, aNd beIng fluStereD bY leaDersHip. ThE arMy (siGhhH) tHe arMy...SMH... wE haVe tHis thiNg caLLed NCO's diSturBinGly en0uGh thEy ruLe mii life. whEn, whEre, iF s0, iF n0t, wIll, wiLL n0t maYbe, maYbe n0t, heLL yeS, evEn heLL N0! EveRy dAy iS soMethIng nEw.... I caN scrAtch mii biG toE anD ii wiLL beE t0ld iM doIng iT wRong..l0lz truEly A diStracTion fr0m tAsk aT hAnd..yaH kn0W...wEll ii wAs tHinkinG..... trUely thiNkinG.... l0l ii KnoW whY d0 tHat.. HA bUt yEah ii was thinkiNg ii canNt eVen qUit. lIke iF ii wAs A qUiteR, ii caNt eVen ..aNy oTher nOrmAl peRson cAn WakE uP aNd deSide HmMmm ii dOnt wAnt tO wOrk aNy mOre, anD qUit. bUt naH ii meSsed uP bY siGniNg mii liFe aWay tWo uNcle sAm, DamN maN toOk mii lifE lOl ItS c0ol uNcle sAm wOnt AlwAys haVe mE oN pUniShmenT, ii wOnt AlwaYs bEe hiS pErsoNel (for the lack of a better work) "bitCh". BUt yaH know wHat, ii gEt mii alLowaNce EveRy fiRst N fiFteEnth s0 iM liVin OprAh riCh. :) lol buT ivE saId AbsolUtely tWo mUch AbouT noTHing, wHicH makEs iT A DaY In ThE liFe OF PFC TukEmZ.
WiThOut HesItAtiOn.
trufely yoUrs TukemZ :)